95% of behaviour arises from subconscious beliefs

This means that whatever you feel, 95% of that is coming from the beliefs and perceptions held in the subconscious mind. Think of the subconscious like software where the lines of code are a whole bunch of beliefs. In the same way that the app you see on your phone is just the expression of invisible lines of code in the programming layer, 95% of behaviour and perception right now is just the expression of invisible beliefs in the subconscious programming layer of your mind.

Where did these come from?

Very simply, all beliefs are learnt and thus reflect the past. So actually, none of the beliefs held in that subconscious layer are yours. I have a youtube video explaining this but the crux is that beliefs were learned via observation of your environment. We then take it for granted that we didn’t always believe or see the world as we do now. At one time, we were in awe with the beauty and enthralled by the Great Mystery of life. We just progressively learnt to de-value beauty and joy. We learnt not to be ourselves. We were conditioned into a certain version of ourselves. So all we have to do is release those learnt beliefs that aren’t even yours anyways.

PSYCH-K® allows us to un-condition your mind

The invitation is to simply update conditioned beliefs that were learned in childhood with the beliefs you want and wish you had instead. The change is easy to verify. Your experience after a session will indicate to you where massive progress has been made and where there are additional beliefs to be updated. It gives us an opportunity to re-write your inner world to anything you want. Eliminate voices of resistance and self-judgment and replace it with voices of support and comfort. Perceive whatever you want to perceive. Transcend traumatic perceptions in minutes without needing to speak a word about the traumatic situation. You just hold the thing in mind and we change it. It’s a really fun and effective tool that I’ve used to disappear everything that stands in the way of a life of constant joy and that you can too if that’s what you want for yourself.

Session structure

Over zoom, I will use muscle testing to establish communication with your subconscious. Next, we will identify what you’re struggling with and that will give us an indication of limiting beliefs and perceptions to transform. Then, I’ll ask you want you would like to believe and perceive things as instead. Lastly, we will change the subconscious beliefs or perception you have to what you want instead. Then we repeat. Sessions are simple and fun.


Change the way you experience life

You are invited to join me on a transformation journey within. To experience for yourself the power of your beliefs. Don’t take anyones word for it, see for yourself what happens when you change a subconscious belief. I can’t tell you how things will be for you. I can’t even promise you that things will go the way you expect. But what I can guarantee is a tremendous opportunity for growth and a tool that allows for rapid inner transformation. Gift-based service what are you waiting for!! It’s gonna be great fun that much I’m sure of!