Everything you need is already within. There is nothing you need to gain. The requirement for total peace and joy is a letting go of that which is being held onto. This letting go is facilitated by understanding the ego as the major obstacle to peace, joy, and love.
As you understand how the ego came to be what it is, you see that it cannot help but be what it is. With understanding comes compassion. With compassion, we are more gentle with ourselves and adopt the Ego as our pet instead of denying its presence or resisting it. We have fun with it and enjoy it for what it is. Then, progressively it looses its grasp and Reality shines forth. It was always there - waiting for us to come home.
This podcast is a mix of 30 minute spontaneous sharing of transformative insight and longer (usually 60 minute) guest episodes on topics related to joy, being our best selves, and living in peace.
A 30-minute powerful re-contextualization of your life. Every obstacle to joy and peace is held together by an unconscious ego "getting-ness" which has cleverly evolved to extract hidden satisfaction from that which the world calls negative. This is because the ego survives off what it derives from the negative and cannot survive off the spiritual energy of love.
Leave me a message below and I’ll read it! Whether you got cool guest ideas, just wanna share an experience you had, or anything else - leave it below, I’d love to hear it!