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Joy beyond imagining awaits you right now

I came to this discovery rather spontaneously. Via living a life aligned with certain principles you can rather rapidly remove obstacles to an incredible inner joy arising. These principles are:

  1. Seeing every difficulty as a growth opportunity.

  2. Reliance on Divinity via Prayer and Contemplation.

  3. Ever deepening surrender.

Take these principles. Apply them to your life. Live by them and you will see what follows. If you’d like help with this, I am here for guidance and assistance. I offer my services and insights as a Gift to you. I rely on kindness and generosity - donate however much you want whenever you want. Book a call to chat and see if we are a good fit for each other.

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Remember what it’s like?

Most of us experienced the joy of being ourselves as kids but have forgotten it after it was covered up with heavy beliefs we learnt growing up. Your most joyous self is the one that laughs, has fun, and plays with life. Your joyous self is kind, compassionate, and forgiving; it doesn’t keep anyone on the hook. It sees the inner light of all and invites that light to play. It is pure and innocent. There is a kind of joy so pure that it doesn’t waver with the changing tides of life. I know, it’s hard to believe and there may be skepticism. But if you want, you can experience what it’s like to live life from that place of joy. Where sooner or later there is only joy. It might be hard to believe but it is true - I learnt it for myself! I invite you to walk towards this possibility until it becomes an actuality. And you will be as pleasantly surprised as I was! That life has been given you to be enjoyed.

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Ready to make a 3-month commitment to joy?

The power to transcend obstacles to joy is found in your commitment to being your most joyous self. After our first call you’ll be able to decide whether you’d like to commit to working with me or not. It is a 3 month commitment at a price of your choosing. Each week we will have a one hour call together. There are two different types of calls we will have:

  1. Re-contextualisation session: You bring up what is real for you in the moment. I’ll help you see that life situation or personal condition through the eyes of joy so that you can too. There is a way to see everything in which only joy and peace arises as a possibility. That is what we move towards with these calls.

  2. Subconscious belief update session: Using PSYCH-K® we will discover limiting subconscious beliefs creating a struggle in your life and update that into a supportive belief so that you experience greater ease and joy in that area of your life. When all limiting beliefs are transcended, only truth remains. This truth is the source of all and is what allows you to be in joy and peace. It goes by many names but is itself nameless. It is a silent awareness and that is all.


After the initial call, this is where you make the commitment

If you haven’t already, I invite you to book your no obligation call with me to start moving faster towards joy now. Next, you’ll find a give button below a to PayPal me an amount of your choosing. Anything you pay is your choice. I recommend an amount that will help you commit to the full 3 months. This button will always be here for you. Perhaps during our time together, you may be moved to adjust your price. I trust your decision. Then, you can click the receive button to book in the call for the first week.


Activate the beliefs that support your full potential

Imagine being happy all the time. Imagine having an endless source of energy available from within you. Imagine living in a land so beautiful that it makes it very difficult to have any worries. Believe it or not but that is your most natural state; constant endless joy. Via our re-contextualisation and PSYCH-K® sessions we are just clearing out the obstacles of mis-understanding and limited beliefs. As these are cleared out, the truth is revealed and you will see it for yourself. You may be interested in learning a little about how PSYCH-K® is able to change your subconscious beliefs and how it differs to methods such as affirmations and other conscious means of trying to change subconscious beliefs. Below you can learn just that!

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The science is truly fascinating!!! I’ll let the experts explain…

The following is a short clip from a long and mind-shatteringly fascinating presentation from the originator of PSYCH-K®. It will nourish that inner scientist and also the skeptic. The presentation follows a complimentary presentation from Dr Bruce Lipton. Together, Bruce and Rob are the fantastic duo. Bruce covers the biology of belief as an acclaimed cell biologist. Rob covers the psychology of change with decades of clinical experience.

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In case you’re interested in me - a fun story!!

How it began…

In year 9, I had to create a presentation about some environmental topic. Somehow, I was pulled to discover nuclear power at that age but not just nuclear power, a very niche type of reactor which was not mainstream at all. This began an obsession with nuclear power and physics and a dream to bring abundant cheap energy to everyone using modular reactor design and a major upgrade to energy distribution. Due to this obsession, I studied physics in year 11 and 12 and chose to go to the only university in Australia where I could find a nuclear pathway.

I moved from Melbourne to Canberra to attend the Australian National University but my studies were short lived. At the beginning of second year uni, a modest bitcoin investment I made in year 10, had sky rocketed beyond anything I imagined. I began planning my real-estate empire but soon, it all came crashing down. For some reason, I did not withdraw a cent. However, this experience led me to become interested in blockchain - the tech behind bitcoin - and soon, I found myself creating a student-run blockchain education not-for-profit where I actually started to learn about this thing I had put all my money into - it was pretty amazing after all! From my role here, I soon ended up starting a company with two friends of mine solving a problem that I kept coming across. This began my start-up adventure where my learning grew exponentially.

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My 3-man team winning a grant competition with friends who came to support us (I’m in red).

Stepping through the portal to the mysterious unknown

A year or two into the start-up, I was intently pulled to the sacred plant ayahuasca and her cousin Syrian rue + Acacia. This was my first experience beyond the realm of perception; what can be seen and touched. It was extremely profound and life changing. This experience showed me how little I knew and I became fascinated with everything that cannot be seen. Soon, I was being pulled between the old and the mysterious new - the start-up and this new mysterious stuff. After a couple months, the pull from the unknown was too powerful to ignore and so, I left my startup to dive fully into this new world.

I never searched for things, it’s more like they found me. So it was, PSYCH-K® found me and I attended my first workshop a month after leaving my startup. Then, the great work of Dr David Hawkins found me. It really did find me. The first book of his I read, I discovered through an email list which I only part of because of someone I met from Startcon. I only met her because I won free VIP tickets to this start-up conference and so, was on the VIP boat cruise around Sydney harbour - I was the only little start-up among all these incredible international speakers. The competition I won was tiny and barely advertised if at all, winning that, is it’s own strange link of magical coincidences. My life is threaded together by a tapestry of magical synchronicity. As are all our lives. It is just a matter of becoming aware of it.

Discovering the presence of God within…

After I fully embraced the mysterious path, the synchronicites become more apparent, more often. With PSYCH-K® and the process of surrender described in Hawkins’ book “Letting Go: The pathway of surrender,” my spiritual evolution took to new and unimaginable heights. My perception of the world, was becoming increasingly perfect and beautiful. I would become stunned by the beauty of things, even rubbish often took my breath away. I soon heard the call of ayahuasca once more and saw it as a testing ground for truth. A place for me to see whether I was on the path of truth. The answer from my experiences, was a resounding confirmation. I tested my ability to surrender to such a degree, that I discovered the presence of god. In a moment, all doubt surrounding God disappeared, replaced by an experiential understanding that I hold close to my heart to this day. In the presence of God, nothing else matters. So I find, that I am powerfully pulled back to the awareness presence of the Almighty. I am certain that I have already reached this point, and it will reveal itself to me through divine timing.

Right now, I am pulled most to work with people with PSYCH-K® and play this part of my journey out until it is played out. I also share my experiential understanding of the Letting Go technique (the other half of my life) freely through a Meetup group and a free online course I made. My life is now built upon faith, trust, and love, for myself, humanity, and God. I serve the light of God. I serve the salvation of humanity. To serve you is my joy.


My podcast and Instagram Below

When we forget, we enter a space of just being. If you stay there for a little and willingly let go you will find that this is a beautiful space. Yet from this space of beauty, an anxious energy arises and attempts to "remember" ; latch onto the details of the day.


Hey I just met you… But this is crazy … So here’s my number … Call me maybe!

Curious but want to know more before booking a session. Wanna make a new friend in me? Just want to chat about anything? Here’s where you can reach me:

  1. What’s App / Text : +61 421920267

  2. Email: